
Year-old frozen pretzels: heat, add mustard. Tastes like freezer.

Been a tad busy lately. I hate not being able to get on here and post as often as I used to. It's a nice vent. Yes, it's like a ... a skirt. A big, breezy, online skirt. Blogs = Skirts. Breezy and coole ("coole" being a breezier from of "cool").

I think I need to stop smoking crack.

[kidding, geez]. Anyway, so here's how you know you need to stop long enough to wash dishes:

1. Feel hungry.
2. Realize that you are hungry because you haven't eaten since yesterday morning's bowl of Lucky Charms.
3. Decide to fix some lunch.
4. Walk into kitchen and stop to sigh at the horrific condition of the place.
5. Open fridge. Sigh again. Close fridge.
6. Check pantry. Decide on a Lipton Noodle concoction.
7. Pull out drawer and open cabinet.
8. Realize that you are going to have to prepare food AND eat using only a butter knife and a cottage cheese lid.

Ah, lovely.



I know, it's been a few minutes.

I've been busy basking in New Mexican rays, navigating downtown Nashburg during a thunderstorm from hell [complete with a power outage and therefore no traffic lights, along with an ex-boyfriend sighting], and transporting given acquaintances to Texan medical facilities due to unmentionable physical errors.

Sounds unlikely, but unfortunately that's my life. I take basically the same trip every year, and every time I wonder what in the hell I was thinking.

Came back to town, had festive, acrobatic sex and about 99 hours of recovery sleep, add a bowl of Lucky Charms, and now all is right with the world.

I may post pics of my trip. Still deciding.

Well, I'm off to catch up on the blogs I read to see how you all are doing...


Sorry Guys

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Lots going on, and actually, right now I'm out of town. I thought I'd jump on here and let all know I'm still alive and kickin, although in a far far away land.

Back to oz in a jiffy,