
Don't Assume

Not all women are the type that don't like sex. Some of us want laid. A lot.

And you know what else? Some of us don't want 'lovemaking.' Some of us want bent over and f*cked.

Well. Now that I got that off my chest.

Saw a nasty fight between my neighbors. Again. Or should I say 'heard' a nasty fight. Funny thing about apartments... they have paper-thin walls. First there's a raised voice, then silence for a few seconds. Then another raised voice, and then some stomping and banging. Then colorful words fly back and forth. Luckily I think they are non-violent. Emotionally abusive and all that jazz. So he's completely incapable of picking up his beer cans and she's a nagging bitch that is "wound tighter than a fucking clock." On and on. It's kind of interesting sometimes, though.

And the thing is is she's a total bitch to me. I'll pass her in the breezeway and she's like... holier than thou. And he's hot, so what's up with that? I mean that kind of hot where after they walk past and smile a hello, you find yourself releasing a little whimper. Or is that just me? Well anyway. He's hot, she's a bitch. So common it seems.

I need to go shopping. My fridge has some cheese, a grapefruit, and milk. A girl can't live on saltines, apparently.


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