
Is There Anyone Out There?

Hello Reader. I was wondering when you were going to show up. Would you mind posting a short hello in the comments section? I'm curious if anyone is seeing this as the days go by.

I've started writing a short story. I do believe my schitzo neighbors will supply me with all the plotlines I could ever want. The woman, The Nagger. Now she's accusing Mr. LazyAss of flirting with my other neighbor, this cute girl downstairs that I believe is like... latin or something. She's really nice, and I get why it would seem like he was flirting, but frankly I don't see it happening. But all it takes is the suspicion to cause an uproar.

All the stomping is about to piss me off, though. I'd much rather hear the moans and groans than the accusatory sarcasm all fucking night. She comes off as such a bitch on her good days, much less when she's up to her crow's feet in bitchness. Must all the surrounding apartments share in the misery? I guess it's good blog fodder.

And now I'm getting these bizarro phone calls at all hours from some guy in my zipcode. I looked up the number on gooooogle, and it shows his name and address. I don't know him. He never says anything. I usually let it go to voicemail, and of course he hangs up after it beeps (agh), and if I DO happen to pick it up, he hangs up before I can tell him to fuck off. I don't get it.

Irony... phone....

Just my sister. Damn. I was getting all geared up to give the stalker dude a piece of my mind.


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