
Do It [Take Your Mama Out All Night]

Can you tell that's a link? Anyway. Man I can NOT get that song out of my head! What is this phenomenon? Why does it happen? At least it's not "How Bizarre," which was in my head the entire year I was 17. Ish. And that song SUCKED.

Massive headache. Not sure what's going on. I've had it for days. Thought it was caffein withdrawals, but this afternoon's fix of delicious Pepsi Cola proves that theory to be bunk. (Bunk? I don't know.)

So can someone tell me why my profile always says the same thing? It never changes. "Three recent entries..." etc. etc. etc. It's driving me nuts. I do believe that since November I've put in a few more words than 245. Uh, yeah.

Something I discovered that frightens me: Guys with long fingernails. Girls, are you with me on this? I mean, EW. And guys don't know how to keep them up, so they're all yellow and curled and dirty. *ding* Time for a subject change.

What does the statement "And How!" mean, exactly? I get that it's an affirmative comment, sort of. Anyway.

Totally disappointed with The Cure's store. I thought to myself, "self, when that Cure store opens, it's going to be full of rockin' shirts and other miscellaneous desirable paraphernalia." But no. Only a limited amout of almost desirable paraphernalia. Not that this takes away from The Cure's total rule over all things earthly or otherwise.

Can I borrow your lipstick?


At Tue Mar 01, 10:09:00 PM CST, Blogger Murph said...

I'm going to try to make it a point to leave a comment on every post on the blogs that I visit regularly, even when I don't really have anything good to say or when I'm under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. At least until those blogs specifically tell me to stop.
I don't think I know what song you're talking about, but then again I spend my workdays listening to sports talk radio, so there you go.
I think it's the same for all the profiles because I think it's just some guy who goes around updating it and not some program.
It doesn't bother me as much because I realized a long time ago that my blog sucks and no one is going to visit it, regardless of how recently they think it was updated.
As for the fingernails, I'm not sure what kind of guys you're hanging around with. The only guy I've ever known with long fingernails like that was a middle-aged hippie substitute teacher in my grade school who may or may not have been a sex offender.


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