
Weird Things Me Likey

Okay how's this for freakyweird. I like that sound the checkbook makes when you rip a check out of it. And if you notice, it's usually three sections as the person moves their hand along to rip further down. Trrr trrrttr ttrtrrtrr. Or something in that general vicinity. But anyway I like it.

Okay so I notice the things people never notice. I see it as an opportunity for unanounced enjoyment. Humph.

Why do I have Cat Scratch Fever in my head? Hmm lemme think.
Perhaps because I was on this particular blog where a particular Doctor by the name of Clooney explained why a person may have night sweats in a helpful and striped-glove wearing doctor's appointment. But I digress. Aaah to read the banter of someone with a brain and a sense of humor. There is life out there!

I also like the sound of my boots on the sidewalk. I have these leathHOLY CRAP I just heard what sounded like a gunshot. Wow that scared the bajeezus out of me. Going to go check that out now. There it goes again. . .

K it's five o'clock now. I never did figure out what that gunshot sound was. I guess it could be... oh, say... a gunshot, perhaps? Nah. Probably fireworks. In November. For No Reason. In The Afternoon.

Okay so it was a gunshot.

I suppose I've clacked away on here long enough. Off to frolick amongst the faeries.

Oh, and I'm thinking about posting a Quote Of The Day, because I have a collection of bitchin' quotes. And possibly taking them from readers and posting them. Or something. Haven't worked out the details yet.


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