

Who, would you say, is the sexiest man and woman alive? In one of my classes yesterday we were all talking bullshit and someone started that topic. It's amazing how some seriously fuhgly people are considered hot. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Because I'm telling you, Jennifer Garner is BFU, and I'm not at all into Matt LeBlanc. I mean, come on.

I used to say Angelina and Colin Ferrell. Or maybe Jude Law. I think I'm swayable, because my opinion seems to change a lot on this topic. Mainly because I can not fine someone attractive if they think they are hot. I mean, it totally zeroes out my hot-o-meter. Cockiness is disgusting. So if I think someone is do-able and then I hear a single smug thing or some smug attitude, [insert bomb-drop sound here] their hotness goes right out the window. Ya mee?


At Fri Mar 11, 09:31:00 PM CST, Blogger Rachel Norfleet said...

Juliette Lewis--totally hot ( to me, anyways)


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