
Hot Men

I'm having one of my... "those days," where I'm exceptionally boy-crazy.

I love me some goatee. NOT ALL GOATEES ARE CREATED EQUAL. Some men look plain STOOpid with the things.

Wait, let me define what I mean by "goatee." Because I don't mean a pointed beard. I mean when they have hair from under their nose to their chin, but not a full beard. Let's get that straight right off the bat. Even though I have seen a couple smokin' hot men with pointy beards, but it's just rare, so I'm disqualifying it.

But a sexy guy with a sexy goatee and short, if not buzzed, hair on his head... that's hot. I also like a guy with a shaved head. Not like... skinhead, but just buzzed down to nearly nil. I also like all-over facial hair that is short, like the 6 o'clock (or 3 day, as it were) shadow. Yum-o.

Another thing. If they have a sexy way of holding their mouth, with a little grin. Not like a cocky egotistic smirk, just an evil little grin. That's hot.

Another thing. If they get the door for you. Or offer up their seat if you're standing. Things things are good. Not required, but good.

Okay I'm going to stop talking about hot men now. On to much less interesting topics.

So anyway. I updated my profile and picture, yet again. I am constantly changing that pic! I have a few that are me and a few that I think represent me in some way, and rotate them. I get bored easily or something, I don't know. I changed my profile info, too, but I'm not done updating things. I'm thinking of deleting all of the info in there and starting over.

I also put an email address in there, which makes me a tad nervous. I'm considering changing my template again, but I'm not sure if I actually will or just keep planning to. I've kept this one the longest of any of them. It just... fits me more I think.

Pic of the Day: This is from my widget "cutupo". It has words you can move around to make sentences. This is what I have there today.


At Tue Mar 07, 02:59:00 PM CST, Blogger Kara said...

I bet you're so damn good looking you can't leave the mirror. I'm just guessing here. Am I right?

At Wed Mar 08, 02:42:00 PM CST, Blogger Murph said...

I'm clean shaven, with shoulder-length hair, and I walk around with a look that's somewhere in between depressed, stoned, and down syndrome. How's that combo working for you?

At Wed Mar 08, 05:40:00 PM CST, Blogger Kara said...

Wow, Murph, you really know how to turn a girl on.

Then again, any guy that gets his beer bong on is already on a whole different list. That's right, I've heard aaaall about parties at the Murph Mansion.

At Fri Mar 10, 10:36:00 AM CST, Blogger Kara said...

I miss your reversed mohawk! That was great.

I like you with it all shaved off, though, that's mad sexy. Brings out those blue eyes of yours.

At Fri Mar 10, 10:36:00 AM CST, Blogger Kara said...

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