
Believe it or not George isn't at home. Leave a message at the beep...

Where could I beeee? Aaaah. Man. Gotta love Seinfeld.

So anywho. How's business, how's the kids? Gooood good. So *sniff* listen. Uh... I've gotta talk to you about your uh... *sniff* your TPS reports. See, it's just that were uh... well we're putting these new cover sheets on them. Now don't go getting a case of the Mondays. Or else I'll have to give you my O face. You know... "Oh... Oh..."

OMG that Oh Face guy is irritating. He looks like an albino linebacker.

Yeah folks. I'm in a royaly banoodly mood right now. Maybe it's the sugar streaming through my veins, maybe it's the caffeine, WHO'S TO SAY!? Aaah HA HA HAA!

Dude, I totally finished my arty thingy. Yep. Cut myself with an exacto and got paint in my hair again, but it's done, babycakes. It's DONE. Little neosporin and I'm smoooooth sailin'. I'm a smooooth operaaatuuuh... smoooth oparayduuh. Oh, that sade. she's funny.

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking... Dara, wait, that's not right. LOL ANYwho, you're thinking Lara, no that's not it either. DAMN FINGERS. Typing skills? CHECK. Bloodflow and therefore feeling in my fingertips? CHECK. Now, Where was I? OH!
You're thinking, Kara, I've never seen you like this...are you hopped up on the HAPPYGRASS? Are you DURKN? er, DRUNK? Well my answer to you is this:

Huh? What were we talking about? I forget. Oh well.

ooooh FUNIONS! gotta go. Write me back. BFF, Kara (lara/dara)


At Sat Jan 28, 08:22:00 PM CST, Blogger Kara said...

Brevor. That's cute, I'm calling you that from now on.


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