

So guess who's here talking at one of my local universities? Why, none other than Dubya! He's at K-State this morning (complete with a purple tie in honor of school colors). I notice as I'm watching that he's developed a bit of a tick in his jaw. It's kind of strange.

I hope what we've done does some good in the middle east. And I really hope that the world doesn't continue to hate us because they hate him. We are not all like him. I'm not saying I disagree with every move he has made, but the ones that I disagree with, I really disagree with. I'm afraid he's ruined our relationships in the world.

Kansas has 6 electoral votes and Missouri has 11. That sucks, considering f'ing Texas has 34. The right-wingers have all the votes! That's like giving all the guns to the children. I think the electoral college is shit. Thankfully California holds 55. There are a lot of crunchies over there. Since I'm a crunchy in a fairly mushy state, I'll let Californians represent me, electorally speaking.


At Mon Jan 23, 07:25:00 PM CST, Blogger Kevin said...

Damn... I wish he'd hop over to st. louis for a chat. I'd love to marvel at his greatness...

The only thing he's ever done over here is tell all of our doctors that they're all getting sued and leaving the area because of malpractice insurance.

At Tue Jan 24, 12:13:00 AM CST, Blogger Kara said...

Trevy, don't I always make it worth the trip? I sure haven't heard you complain. But I suppose I can drive up there again if you really want. You just have to promise me that this time you'll clean your place up before I get there. I hate climbing over the beer bottles to get to your bed. Not that it wasn't well worth the effort. Kisses.


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