Swamp Crotch
I'm currently addicted to Blow Pops. I know this has no relevance on the state of the world, but there it is.
I hate it when women saturate themselves in perfume and then frolic around in the world a-stankin.
Why should I have to deal with your nasty funk? It's NOT going to hide the fact that you haven't showered in a week and your hair looks like wet straw. You've only added a whole new layer of NASTY onto your already putrid essence. If you're doing it to attract men, it's NOT GOING TO WORK. Leaving a trail behind you is not flattering, it's gross. If I walk down the aisle at the grocery store and can smell you even when you're no longer there, you're gross. I don't care if the shit cost you 600 bucks. No perfume smells good when you've bathed in it.
And by the way, you're not fooling anyone with those tits. The massive cavern between them gives you away. You overpaid the surgeon.
And nobody is believing that hair color, either.
Am I mean? I know I'm evil, but am I mean, too?