
Ah. Push it.

I'm pretty sure those freakish neighbors of mine are separating or some such. Remember those megafights I told you about? Well it cooled down for a spell, and I was able to sleep through the night there for a while, but then there was this apex, this climax, if you will, where the slurs were whizzing, and now I keep seeing Beenotch weaseling things out of the apartment, like she's slooowly moving her stuff out. I guess Hot Dude finally saw the light. Their cars are never here at the same time anymore. Yay!

Now, hopfully they don't do that thing they did before, where they, given the noises that annoyingly reach me, presumably have Special Olympics style makeup sex. After last time, he kept carrying the trash to the dumpsters whistling like a damn ninny. Like everyone on the planet didn't get the idea. I bean, cub od.

Anyway, on to prettier subjects. Like being ass broke. I need to stop swindling money on all those strippers, and slow down on the cocktails on all my flights to and from Vegas. Or something like that.


At Tue Jun 21, 09:17:00 PM CDT, Blogger Rachel Norfleet said...

I like how you wrote "I mean, come on" like you have a cold. I think I'm going to start writing like I have a lisp. A lithp.

At Mon Jun 27, 11:19:00 PM CDT, Blogger SB said...

Yooos, this is a slice of hi back. Enjoy it fresh, full of homecooked goodness. Hope you enjoyed a bunny name Frank. He says hi too.


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