

Okay so I had this weird dream where I needed to vaccuum, but I was too busy drinking "pot water," getting high with a big group of guys, some of which I had had before. The water tasted really good, and after one sip, you were like "whoa!" and the guys were missing the toilet and it was making me angry.

Then we all got really hungry and wanted Taco Bell, so the guys ran out to get some and I used the opportunity NOT to actually vaccuum and clean the bathroom, but to sit there and stare at the floor and sides of the toilet in dismay that they really needed cleaning, and fast before the boys got back. I did that until the came in, all carrying sacks of chalupas and big pepsis.

"Let's all sit," I remember saying, thinking that the sex afterward could possibly be spectacular, but wondering who was going to clean all the bachelor-pad-style drips off the sides of the toilet. Later, I tried to go to sleep on this weird cot next to... some dude, and couldn't sleep because I knew my floors had pup hair and needed vaccuumed. Then my dog laid down on the floor next to the cot thing, and he was all pissed off and mumbling under his breath that he didn't understand what the big effing deal was about his hair being on the carpet. "So fucking sue me. Christ it's just hair," he grunted at me. I just stared at the ceiling in a panic.


At Thu Jun 09, 12:51:00 PM CDT, Blogger Rachel Norfleet said...

This dream, loosely interpreted, speaks volumes of the futility of life. Think about it.

At Sun Jun 12, 03:17:00 PM CDT, Blogger Murph said...

I don't really like to talk about my dreams because they are usually pretty disturbing. I mean, just look at what I do share with people and then think of stuff that's worse.


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