
Opening Night

Okay, who all saw War of the Worlds last night? Huh? Was it not completely and totally uncrappy?! I was so enthralled by the first half that I just kept saying to myself, "Gawd this movie is awesome." It was great to see it in a packed house, too, for a change, because everyone had the same reactions at the same time.

OOh oooh, there's this one part? where this thing comes down? and then everyone's all "OOOH" and the guy was like, "RUN!" and I was all "oh shit what was that" and then there was this huge BAM and everyone jumped. OOh ooh and then? There was this guy? and he had this gun? and he was all "let's fight 'em" and dude was like "no!"

Maaaan. It was dope, y'all. Forealsies. You simply MUST put down the bong and go see it post haste.


At Thu Jun 30, 12:11:00 PM CDT, Blogger Murph said...

Ok, I'll see it, but I'm not putting the bong down.

At Fri Jul 01, 01:45:00 PM CDT, Blogger t2ed said...

I want to see it, but because of the whole "Tom Cruise all media blitz all the time: thing lately, I may have to root for the aliens.

At Sat Jul 02, 05:50:00 PM CDT, Blogger Rachel Norfleet said...

Yes...YES! It ruled! And then, when the things were all like "Pew! Pew! we're lasers!" I was like "OHmygod, this could really happen one day!"

At Sun Jul 03, 02:18:00 PM CDT, Blogger Joshua Magee said...

It was great, saw it yesterday. Yet there were a few major "holes" which my damn critiquing mind could not get over.

Did they have to rush through the explanation of what happened to the aliens at the end like that? If the aliens really had a fucking million years to plan this, I want to see a better explanation than a quick two sentence biology mumbo jumbo ending then cut to credits. (Yes, I said mumbo jumbo)

Second, anyone want to tell us how the son got back to Boston alright? Anyone associated with the movie.... No...? We just gonna leave that hanging on good faith?

Ok, sorry about that. In the end, it was good, although not as good as watching the "War of the World's-esque" rush of people trying to beat everyone else out to the parking lot after the movie let out. Oh, people.


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