I'm on the mark, getting set to go
Does anyone remember that episode of MadTV where they ran the infomercial for Cholestra?
"Cholestra. Now with 10% less anal leakage!" I had totally forgot about that even though it was one of my favorite skits ever. I saw it on the other day. So funny.
So I ran my car through the car wash yesterday, the one where they dry it by hand and there's a big mirror so you can see the side of your car as you're leaving. And uh... I didn't tip.
My conscience is eating away at me like I bitch-slapped an orphan and stole her ice-cream cone.
God is going to smote me. I has/have/had been smoten. Smat. Smoted.
Observations of the Day
7. Bowling shoes are are like... nutsacks.
142. Bowling shoe comments aside, the male body, at times, is so yummylicious that I'm completely at their mercy. And a man who is proud of his... that's hot.
Eleventy. My eyes are hazel, in my case- a gold color that sometimes looks green. But sometimes they look almost yellow, like today.
Eye Candy of the Day: The Delicious Johnny Depp