This weather sucks. I don't know how it is where you guys are, but it SUCKS here in Jesusland.
Sorry if I offend a Jesus person. Actually, no. No I'm not. Because Jesus people certainly don't worry about pressuring people to think like they do or anything of that nature. Most that I've come across anyway.
I just don't believe in the Bible. It's a reference at most. First off, I won't get into what the Catholics have done to it, rendering it completely altered from it's original content/context. Then there's the fact that it is written by onlookers at best. And I'm a God person. Jesus, in my opinion, may have been sent to earth, along with other nations' equivelants, to teach people to live with kindness, but as for being the son of God? I don't know. I think that the book Conversations With God has it all right. I recently read the newest (I think) edition about "Tomorrow's God," which is genius. It says that we all make up 'God.' It's a good read. The first one ("Conversations with God") is comforting, too, for us "sinners" that like naughty stuff like sex. It's very validating if you're feeling lost. Even if you don't believe how the guy came about the info in his book, it's worth the read.
I consider myself spiritual, but not religious. I don't need the bible to tell me how to live the right way, with respect and honesty, and with consideration for others. However, it if helps others become better people, then it's great for them to read/believe it.
As for me, I do not need to be "born again."
I was born the way I am supposed to be, and tossing some water on me isn't going to make me a better person.
And sex, my friends, is a gift God gave us. Not something to be used to shame people.
I admit I'm far from perfect. I'm angry and a tad bitchy. But I'm strong. I have strong opinions that I make no apologies for having. I feel like the more "religious" or "righteous" a person claims to be, the less they actually are, and the more you need to watch them. Hence Catholic priests. Enough said.
[I wonder how slammed I'm going to get after THIS little gem.] Commence with bringing it.