

I'm starting this entry with a moment of silence.

I feel like a light bulb. My head is pounding and my eyelids feel hot and burny. I'm generally pissed off at the world today. Went in to the gas station for some coffee and a pack of gum, and the bitch behind the counter pissed me off effortlessly.

I look up and smile and set my selections down. She doesn't even look at me. She mumbles something to the guy standing casually behind her who is slouching against the wall watching her, presumable her manride. So I say, "hi how are you?" while fumbling for my cash. She responds with, "yeah, she never even called back. So I'm like, whatever."

Ooookay. So she rings me up and she says "two thirty two."

Is that it? No, "that'll be..." no "two thirty two please," no nothing? Just the Total flung haphazardly in the air?

So I decided to teach the bitch a lesson and switch gum flavors. I put the pack back and put a new one up, just to show her who's boss. She just looked blankly at the pack.

"How much again?" I scoffed, smirking.

"two thirty two, so I guess I'm going to drive up there and pick it up. Did you get ahold of Jerry?"

I'm like HELLO WHOREBAG SKANK, YOU'VE GOT A CUSTOMER HERE!. So I smile and hand her a twenty and the change so I'll be even, and apparently that was WHOA way more than she could handle. She eventually shrugged and typed in my amount, and then a glimmer of "ooh okay I get it" crossed her fugly face as she handed me back only bills. HA! TAKE THAT. Hmmph.

So I strut to my pretty yellow beetle with a carefree, nobody has pissed me off, nope, not at all type attitude.

Only to be cut off by some bum ass tourist trying to pull into my lane with no signal.

And now I'm feeling all eegy. I'm tired. And I want my bahbah. the one full of yummy marguarita juice please. and my beenky.


At Mon Aug 15, 11:35:00 PM CDT, Blogger Rachel Norfleet said...

wow, what a crappy start.
maybe you should invest in some monogrammed Better Business Bureau polo shirts to whip out in situations like this.
and I like the fact that you drive a yellow beetle. nice.

At Tue Aug 16, 01:20:00 PM CDT, Blogger Joshua Magee said...

You'd think that someone whose sole job is to count and put money into a machine would have figured out the whole "I'm giving you exact change so that I only get dollars back" transaction by now. Ridiculous. It's like Step 2 in "learning how to be a cashier-whorebag," I've seen the manual.

At Tue Aug 16, 01:47:00 PM CDT, Blogger Kara said...

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At Tue Aug 16, 01:48:00 PM CDT, Blogger Kara said...

Yeah, not only did she have only the vaguest of ideas what she was hired to do, but she was completely unfamiliar with the "No F*CKBUDDY VISITORS DURING WORKING HOURS" policies. Must be a newbie. That and she's probably used to working a profession where the payments are left in even numbers on the dresser.

I like the dung flinging idea. Although these people are barely worth a shit. heh.

Rach - the only downside to driving a recognizable vehicle is that I'm it's more difficult to express your road rage and then disappear into the crowds. Inevitably I end up spotted another day buy some asshole who drives past shaking his fist at me for something I don't remember.

The lesson: if you are an aggressive person, drive a plain, unassuming vehicle that looks like everyone elses. Then commence dung-hurling. Preferrably at whorebag cashiers who ignore their cashier-whorebag manuals.


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