

I'm so tired of these farking allergies. Seriously. I was on Allegra, which works for me only about 15 hours, and the rest of the time I have to just suffer. So I went to the doc and tried Allerx, which you take twice a day, which barely works for me at all, much less for any length of time. I wake up and sneeze about fifteen times, then blow my nose until I have no skin left, take my am dose, and wait it out. Ech.

So today I'm supposed to go pick up my new prescription, or "script" as the hipsters call it. We'll see how that goes. If it doesn't work, see Paragraph One.

Moving went pretty well. Seems like everyone is moving right now. Tons of uhauls running around. Anyway, now I have to climb over boxes to get anywhere. But the new place is pretty nifty.

School starts Monday. DAMMIT! Don't wanna. But I did a countdown in my day planner. 68 total days of classes left before I graduate, after subtracting holidays and such. Seems like eternity. I'll be countin'em down baby.

I think I want to go get a manicure. 18 bucks I could spend in more productive ways, I know. Like... a few Grande Vanilla Bean Coffees at the coffee shop.

iPod Now Playing: "Hell Yes" (Beck - Guero)


At Fri Aug 26, 11:44:00 PM CDT, Blogger s.k.namanny said...

Beck still rules, even as the critics berate him for "rehashing." A friend of mine had Thanksgiving dinner with him, and found him a "standard person."

Sorry about your allergies. I blame the cats of the world.



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