
feel you from the inside

This is going to be a serious post. Because I'm in a serious mood. As some of you know, I've somewhat recently relocated into a place of residence containing a member of the male species.
My Question:
Is it wrong for a feminist to want to be objectified? Here's the thing. I'm with this guy that's like... a "nice guy." He has genuine feelings and is super nice and good and sweet. And while it's true that I want to be respected and treated decently in the normal day-to-day, when the sun goes down, I'm the type of girl that kind of... I guess sex is just better for me when the guy isn't afraid to enjoy himself and let his inner animal out. I know that everyone has a different sexual personality, and I wonder if ours don't clash a little bit. Because when I get male attention and it's like that (objectifying to a degree), I go insane. In a good way. The relationships I've had that were the most... firestarting were the ones where, as soon as the door was shut, he was attacking me like a fucking inmate let loose for an hour. That shit is hot. I'm into that.
So my question is, I guess, if that means that I'm two-faced. Because I'm all about feminism in every possible way (I'm bisexual for fuck's sake), but at the same time, I don't want to be someone that a guy doesn't see as... a goal of sorts. Does that make any sense? I've never talked about this before, but what's a blog for if I can't vent this type of shit, right?
I guess part of me is just worried. Can I be in a long-term relationship with someone with a different sexual personality? Will I be tempted to cheat when a different guy treats me like a piece of steak he wants to devour?

I think a guy could quite easily distract me from a "nice guy" if he were to offer to fuck me in a stairwell. Know what I mean?
Life is so hard.

I guess it all boils down to long term vs. short term relationships. Settle with the nice guy and want to fuck the not-nice guy? Or will I be able to have a forever type relationship with a non-nice animal? I somehow doubt it. A girl like me has needs.

Ooh ooh, what if there was a guy out there that was nice, a good person through-and-through, AND he was a sexual deviant?

Nah. Those guys don't exist. sigh. I wish I could become a full-on lesbian. Best of both worlds. But I just... can't. Men are just too good to abandon.


At Wed Nov 30, 02:56:00 PM CST, Blogger Kara said...

Amen. A-effing-men.

So is your relationship suffering, you think? Does she know that there's a discrepancy between you two?

At Thu Dec 01, 08:20:00 PM CST, Blogger Jonathan said...

I could really go for a cheesesteak.

At Thu Dec 01, 08:31:00 PM CST, Blogger Kara said...

h8 - Does it get easier? Sometimes I wonder if it can even be fixed.

Flitzanu - good to know. I hope there are lots out there. Where are they all hiding?

(I hope they aren't ALL in prison.)

jb - you're funny

At Fri Dec 02, 02:28:00 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kara, I promise you those nice guy/sexual deviants are out there. I have one. And his name is Jon Burdick. And that's him ^ up there. So, just hold out hope. You'll find one!

At Fri Dec 02, 02:51:00 PM CST, Blogger Kara said...

Sara - you guys are so cute together!

At Sat Dec 03, 12:14:00 AM CST, Blogger Kevin said...

So... you want a nice, perfectly good, romantic, awesome, smart, etc. guy...... who is also... well, a "guy" in the most stereotypical sense? At least where sex is concerned. Yea, I'd say that's possible. They're out there. In fact, I'd also argue you can turn almost any guy into that. But that's just me.

You know, sometimes I wish I were a lesbian too.

Of course... my limitation is a little harder to get around than yours.

At Sat Dec 03, 09:04:00 AM CST, Blogger Kara said...

Well, I wouldn't say I want the guy to always be that way. The romantic smart guy is what I want everywhere, even behind closed doors sometimes, but it'd just be nice if that guy had a wild streak. You know? But it seems like if I bring this up to a "nice guy," then he like, pretends when he thinks the time is right, and it feels fake (sometimes).

Oh man, you just gave me the topic for my next post: does your first relationship lay the groundwork for what you want the others to be like? Hmm.

Anyway. Did you know that you look like that guy on um... "How I Met Your Mother?"

At Sat Dec 03, 10:23:00 AM CST, Blogger Cory said...

I would always choose the nice guy because that's what matters when the passion fizzles out blah blah blah. If you can't turn a nice guy into a freak, keep looking. They're out there.

At Sat Dec 03, 05:33:00 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are out there, these men you speak of...these mythical creatures that go 'bump' in the night. pardon my play on words.

and JB...I concur. There's this great new philly steak sandwich place down the street from my store. when you come home, we'll go...not like on a date though...

At Sat Dec 03, 05:41:00 PM CST, Blogger Kara said...

Wow. I had no idea that saying I wanted to be treated like a piece of steak could cause such a rush for philly steak sandwhiches.

Eh, I do what I can.

At Sat Dec 03, 10:02:00 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, it's association. and when I'm biting into a philly steak sandwich all I can think about is treating a woman like a piece of steak. I'm sorry, I can't help how my mind works. it's science.
and...you've never tried these philly steak sandwiches, they are to die for. A lil pricey, but well worth the extra coin. The owners are ACTUALLY from Philadelphia, so you know they know how to make a killer philly steak sandwich

At Sun Dec 04, 11:05:00 AM CST, Blogger David Babylon said...

Ooh ooh, what if there was a guy out there that was nice, a good person through-and-through, AND he was a sexual deviant?

Nah. Those guys don't exist. sigh.

THe actually do exist. The key is to learn how to identify them as well as holding thier interest. My wife perfected it.

At Mon Dec 05, 09:03:00 AM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tue Dec 06, 01:48:00 AM CST, Blogger Kevin said...

I have no idea what that show is but I suppose I'll believe you. My hair is no longer that dark nor that long.

A lot of people say I look like my brother... I'd guess it's cause we're twins, but I just think they're assholes for telling me.

And to the post above... I'd argue that nice guys finish (not finnish... like people in finland) last, sure. But you're an idiot if you think a "nice" guy would ever cheat on anyone. Being accused of this myself, and thinking of myself as a nice guy, that just really pisses me off.

There's a difference between wanting to fuck anyone at random and wanting to go wild with someone you actually like... jesus christ.

At Tue Dec 06, 08:17:00 AM CST, Blogger Kara said...

I know there's a difference, geez. You think I'm crazy?

I like nice guys (I'm with one, after all), and I know he'd never cheat. That's not a concern of mine usually. And they may finish last, but they finish last with the girl on their arm.

Oh, and believe me when I say, I do NOT fuck anyone at random.

I think you may have misunderstood what I"m saying

At Tue Dec 06, 09:21:00 PM CST, Blogger Kevin said...

No no no no no no... lol. I was talking about the guy who posted above me. That was my response to him. Those last two bits. So... hope that clears things up?

At Tue Dec 06, 09:29:00 PM CST, Blogger Kara said...

Oh okay. That makes sense now. Whew!

We coo.

At Sun Dec 11, 08:23:00 AM CST, Blogger Wizzie said...

All these nice guys you talk of... they're from England.

LIE! Most English guys are pervy pricks, same everywhere I guess.

Hope I don't come across as arrogant here, but I like to think of myself as a gentleman with a sexual drive. Maybe it's just the hormones... or maybe it's the way I am from now on!

We'll see with time... we'll see.

By the by... Just to introduce myself, I'm Bob. I found you through K's Blog and I'm really enjoying your posts so far and I expect I'll become a regular!


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