
Relax. Don't to it.

South Park Studios has a flash gizmo that you can use to create your own character. So. I decided to see what I would look like if I were drawn by the South park guys.
As you can see, it's strikingly accurate. Especially given the wings and the corset. How perfect is that?

So I got sick of my photo and blog description and changed them. I've changed my template too many times, and there are too many custumizations for me to switch that, but I think that will do it.

Anyway, someone's comment to my last post got my cogs turning. I have a theory. Are you ready? Here goes:

I think that the first romantic relationship a person has sets the pace for all the following relationships. If the person is pushy and theatric with their romantic gestures (and you kinda like it), then that's what you want in future boyfriends/girlfriends because you like the excitement of that feeling. So. If your next partner is calm or subtle (romantically speaking), perhaps less animalistic, it may be a nice change for a short time, but then you get... well, bored.

On the other hand, if they are pushy and raw and you DON'T like it, then from then on, you don't prefer calmer, more subtle people (and might be less... raw and into-it yourself). So if you end up with someone like, oh, say, ME, then you don't know what to do with yourself and just avoid them (sexually) all-together.

What do you think?

Today's Eye Candy:
Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal
(see "Bad Education" if you dare)


At Sun Dec 04, 09:07:00 PM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sun Dec 04, 09:16:00 PM CST, Blogger Kara said...

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At Mon Dec 05, 08:36:00 AM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Mon Dec 05, 08:43:00 AM CST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Mon Dec 05, 11:03:00 AM CST, Blogger Kara said...

Hey guys. Obviously some shrivelled-prick loser with too much time on his hands decided to kill about three hours posting novels in my comments.

This blog is mine, and I'll say whatever I want to say in whatever way I decide to say it. If someone doesn't like it, they can fuck off. And pal, if you're reading this, my 'bf' speaks English, so you're pathetic excuse for communication can't be confused with his.

To my regulars, I apologize for having to turn moderation on, and hope it doesn't keep you from commenting. You guys rock, and I know how bad it sucks to be moderated. Any comments you guys leave will go straight through, I assure you. It's just the limpdick's that won't.

At Mon Dec 05, 03:16:00 PM CST, Blogger K said...

I like the new pic. And your description is a riot, I actually had a post with a picture of a truck that had that on the back window a while back. Words to live by for sure.

At Mon Dec 05, 10:37:00 PM CST, Blogger Jonathan said...


Just kidding. I just wanted you to think I was that other guy for a second.

Anyway, your eye candy DOES suck. It needs more JB.

At Tue Dec 06, 01:35:00 AM CST, Blogger Kevin said...

Lol. Oh no! Hahah...... man I've had to delete my stuff so many times because of people wanting to trash my posts.

ANyways, I agree with you to an extent. I just recently got over... or rather was forced to get over a long long relationship... my first love, romantic relationship, etc. blah blah. There are things that I have carried with me that I am attracted to, whether I like it or not, simply because if something gives you a good feeling, you're going to miss it no matter what.

However there are plenty of things that I don't miss and plenty of things I wish I can find in another "romantic" relationship that this person didn't have.

I can see your point of how the first relationship sets the tone so to speak of what you want and/or come to expect.... i'm guessing physically. But I also think that the more you truly like someone, the more attractive they are etc. and the more this influences the rush or the adrenaline, passion etc. of being with them.

But some people just aren't passionate I guess..... or in your case animalistic. I guess if they've just become stale and boring... well, that sounds like a personality trait and I dunno what can be done about that. You would think though, that the more they like you, the more they love you, the more they want you, the more passionate they get, and so on.

At Tue Dec 06, 08:23:00 AM CST, Blogger Kara said...

JB - I'll tell you what, you ask Sara if I can post 'more JB,' and I'll make you the eye candy. Eh? We know you qualify for the position.

Kevin - I totally told you the wrong show. You do kinda look like that guy, but you look MORE like the guy from The Office. (Have I mentioned that you look just like your brother? wink wink)

K - I think I may tattoo that on my ass. It just seems to be appropriate.

At Tue Dec 06, 11:55:00 AM CST, Blogger J. said...

Don't worry about the comment moderation, if someone's so concerned about it, their post probably wasn't that good anyway. Those of us who know what we're doing understand the reason for it. It's like locking your car doors—eventually it becomes second nature and you don't even notice it anymore.

BTW, thanks for the link!


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