The Lights Are On... But You're Not Home... Your Mind... Is Not Your Own...Your Heart Sweats... etc.
I Might As Well Face It I'm Addicted to Blogs. Not my blog, other people's. I hit that little 'next blog' button and lose track of time. There are a couple in particular that I return to a lot. Wow, it would be cool to be someone else's To Be Returned To blog. Of course, in order to achieve said status, I'd have to write something interesting, rather than my daily trials with my neighbors and the crazy caller guy. Hmm.
Anyway, there's this one in particular that I go to all the time that is an audblog, and the girl is like... me. Her voice is exactly like my voice, and her way of speaking is like mine. Little details that I know I do all the time. It was really creepy the first time I hit the little triangle 'play' button - I had no idea that I was about to hear myself saying worlds I'd never said.
I remember my first couple years out of high school, I must have gone through this phase where I looked like a million other people, because on a seeminly daily basis, someone would tell me I look exactly like someone else they know, and tell me how closely I resemble them and how weird it is. I learned to just smile and nod, not having ever seen them before in my life.
Do you suppose there are Other Us people running around living oddly similar lives? I think it's a definite possiblity. I've only seen myself twice, though. I looked up once at the grocery store and saw myself walking down the aisle in front of me. It was FREAKY. She was even dressed like I do (not that it's uncommon, but still).
Sometimes I wonder if my friend-equivalent to a soul-mate is lingering just inside my 'six degrees' and if I go to a certain place unplanned one day, there they will be. It'll be like we knew each other all along, and conversation would be easy.
I don't know. Stranger things have happened.
Dooodlydooo I'm off to cook some form of sustenance... tra la laaa